luka murovec
Project done in collaboration with architects Maja Linnea Wendel, Rasmus RB Maabjerg from Rumgehoer Studio and artist Brad Downey.
Clouds are in perpetual motion. Sometimes they may appear static, but they are being driven by the wind — a force which we cannot see.
On our initial site visit we noticed that one of the main features of Södra Frihamnspiren is its remarkable windiness.
Though wind is often considered a nuisance on public projects and building sites - we see it as an unused resource.
Clouds are in perpetual motion. Sometimes they may appear static, but they are being driven by the wind — a force which we cannot see.
On our initial site visit we noticed that one of the main features of Södra Frihamnspiren is its remarkable windiness.
Though wind is often considered a nuisance on public projects and building sites - we see it as an unused resource.